Thursday, July 29, 2004

Hey! I made Reuters

Internet News Article |

The article is more about the uses of blogs in business, but I found my introduction quoted at the beginning. I wish Magdy were still with us; he'd get such a kick out of my blog being used even in such a minor way in a Reuters article.

I don't know about using blogs in business, myself. You have to have a fairly thick skin for some of the weird comments that you get, and if they were from your boss or a co-worker, it would be that much harder. I don't know that I'd have had the nerve to write my feelings on the net when I was younger. But I'm not and I gave up guilt and/or trying to please other people a few years back. My skin is thick enough now...getting two kids to young adulthood does that for you.


Anonymous said...


Hadia ( pseudoname) said...
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Hadia ( pseudoname) said...

hi Maryanne:
this is my first comment to you , I am iraqi live in mosul , you can know more a bout me when you visit my blog (iraqigirl)I write new subject (about me) .

best wishes to you and your family
good luck

rotten cookie said...

i adore your blog.. its intresting to read whats going on in andults life and what their thoughts are.

Anonymous said...

So far Maryanne has been handling her visitors' rude comments politely. Every country has its "goods" and "bads", you chose to look at Egypt from the good side I'm happy for you.

As for you suckers who are quick to judge and being prejudice against something that has nothing to do with you - if her blog really bothers you, get the fuck out of here, you ass holes.

Sorry for cursing on your blog, Maryanne. You keep doing what you've been doing.

- Anonymous W

J-Birds said...

By the way, CNN picked up the Reuters article at

We have found that our blog adds a personal, more intimate side to our parrot website. People want to deal with people they know and trust. The blog enables us to share our feelings and philosophy. People can read it and judge for themselves. It has surpassed phone conversations as a means of letting customer get to know us.

anapaul said...


camille nicole said...

Hi, just saw your blog and thought I'd post. I'm working on becoming an Egyptologist when I graduate from college (Brown University, but I also was thinking about American University in Cairo). I'm going to be a junior in High school and have been set on Egyptology since the fourth grade. Anyway, just thought it was cool to find someone actually living there...

Anonymous said...

What is the main idea? how well some Americans are living in Egypt; obviovusly, if Americans can afford to pick up and move to a foreign country, they must have "means" that most of the world can only dream of; therefore, they are enjoying an existence in a country where the natives can barely survive.
We, the 90% of humans,are so sick of the upper class 10% bragging about their lives and, because of guilt feelings always try new and innovative ways of letting others know how well
they are doing
Save this horse shit for the Society Column.