I had a chance to see one of Egypt's new jewels today. My friend Nathalie came to ride, and we decided to go to the new Imhotep Museum just inside the main gate of the Sakkara complex. I have a wonderful trail that wanders through the fields and ends at the entrance to the Sakkara antiquities area. In the past, I'd ridden up to the main gate with friends, been asked to pay the entrance fee and we'd gone in. If someone wanted to visit one of the sites, the others would hold the horses while the visitor looked around. Often we would leave through the desert to return. Lately I'd gone to the main gate and been refused entrance even when we offered to pay the fee with the guard saying that horses were a security risk. Considering that they don't have the trunk space of a Peugeot, I could never really figure that one out. Nathalie, however, has a diplomatic pass and no one said a word.

I'd seen the museum as they were building it below the hill that the cars climb into the Sakkara complex and had ridden past the construction site a number of times. This time we rode down the driveway into a carpark that was not very crowded. We were asked for Nathalie's pass a number of times, each time the official looking in disbelief at the horses. We found a kind soul who was willing to hold the horses while we checked out the new museum.

The other room that was very impressive, but of which I have no photos because my battery died, was the Lauer Library. This is a reconstruction of the library that existed in Lauer's house at Sakkara where he worked from the time he was about twenty years old until he was almost one hundred, excavating and reconstructing the Sakkara complex. You can see his desk with some of his writings and the book cases with his reference books and those that he published about the site. His career was one of the most impressive in the history of Egyptology.
When we left the cool of the museum, a wall of heat from the desert, the counterpart of the climate control of the museum, hit us like a truck. More visitors had arrived and we looked around for the horses, finding them parked along with various cars and buses in the parking lot. Nathalie was going to be late for lunch with her husband and the weather was turning windy and hot, so we made our way back through the fields to the farm, and none too soon. I brought the dogs home with the intention of going into Maadi to see a friend, but phone calls and small chores interfered with my departure until with a roar a sandstorm descended on the house from the desert. Palms bent almost double and I could barely make out the garden fence from my front door. The power went out and the sky was so dark that I went about lighting candles. The dogs and I sat indoors hiding out and feeling sorry for the parrots who actually didn't seem terribly bothered by all the racket. Now we are simply hoping that it will all blow over tonight and leave us in peace.
Dear Maryanne,
I just wanted to tell you that I love reading your blog and learning of the Egypt that you have grown to love. While I may never make it to Egypt, reading your blog enriches my life. Thank you. Robin in southern CA
I can say the same that Robin said. I will probably never get there, but you bring it alive to me in a way that none other can.
Thanks for the visit to the new museum.
wow those photos are so interesting (as are your museum descriptions). i felt like i was there. even the photo of the starving nubians is engaging. i've never seen anyhing like it before either. they look so fragile.
so tell me, how often do these sandstorms come about?
Amazing! I'm a huge fan of egyptology and I must confess I haven't heard of those new findings nor the Imhotep Museum. Imhotep was an interesting figure like you write, serving both as high-priest, medicineman and architect building the pyramid of Djoser (step pyramid). He was later revered as a god.
Sakkara was my favorite site in Egypt. I kept returning there. It's not the most visitor friendly area being so spread out, but it's certainly amazing, and every step was worth it.
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