Friday, October 31, 2008

Only In Egypt

In my constant scanning of other blogs about Egypt, I've found a new one today called Life in Cairo. The author doesn't post often but she had a total gem in her August post, some YouTube videos from Egypt. I went to YouTube to get one of them. Some of the humour is definitely local, with the humour only in Arabic, so this isn't a foreigner laughing at the locals but the locals laughing at themselves, which Egyptians do with great frequency, bless their hearts. But do check her blog.

copyright 2008 Maryanne Stroud Gabbani


Mark Glenesk said...

Loved the video. I appreciate your insight and descriptions. My daughter is living in Cairo for this year. She is going to school, traveling, and enjoying all that Egypt offers. You may be interested in her blog: Ali in Egypt

otowi said...

Wow, looks like a dangerous place to live - and very loose spelling! lol

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

The spelling is often a hoot, but then I'd hate to see mine in Arabic. As for safety, the most dangerous thing you can do in Egypt is to cross the street without looking. Otherwise, it's remarkably safe unless you are an idiot, but then nothing is safe.

Anonymous said...

There is a Blog called "Postcards from Cairo", it is maintained by an Australian Quilter who has lives there for the last 3 years as an artist and teacher. She (Jenny Bower) writes of her experiences with the local people and their culture. It's one of my favorites, think you might enjoy it.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani said...

Thanks for the note. I've run across Jenny's blog and enjoyed it but I couldn't remember the url when I was collecting my list. I've added her.

Anonymous said...

Hi friends
Thanks for the useful information you are providing. I have visited a site that is presenting attractive photos for monuments in Egypt, and information about Egypt and you might make use of. you can visit
Photos from Giza